Seaplanes at the Seaplane Habrour
“The seaplane hangar of Tallinn Seaplane Harbour has been considered one of the most significant technical structures ever built in Estonia. In all honesty, it is one of the few structures built in Estonia in the 20th century that deserves international attention and has its place in the architectural history of the world.” Oliver Orro, architectural historian
This current publication introduces the history of seaplane aviation and provides a more detailed description of the nine planes stored in the seaplane hangar of the Seaplane Harbour. In addition to this glimpse into the turbulent past of the hangar, it also carries within its covers the story of creating the replica of the Short 184 currently exhibited at the Seaplane Harbour.
“Seaplanes at the Seaplane Hangar” has been published to celebrate the anniversary of the Seaplane Harbour.
Author |
Urmas Haug, Mihkel Karu, Toomas Tür |
Pages |
119 |
Publisher |
Eesti Meremuuseum |
Time of publication |
2020 |
14.90 €